Saturday, March 28, 2020

How A STAR Tutoring Center Can Help Your Child?

How A STAR Tutoring Center Can Help Your Child?If you are thinking about joining a STAR tutoring program you will find that you will get the opportunity to advance your education and knowledge. Your lessons will be supervised by an expert in the field of teaching. These tutors have a knack for turning school aged children into capable, responsible citizens.The STAR tutoring centers give students the opportunity to grow and mature. This happens when they do not let their age hinder them from achieving their potential. A STAR tutoring center will help your child become more independent. You will teach your child self-confidence and earn him respect.These centers offer proven, practical, and useful ideas on how to help your child grow up to be successful. The programs will lead your child to achieve greatness in academics, responsibility, and personality. With this assistance, your child will be able to succeed and excel in his or her chosen field.The tips that they provide may seem eas y to implement, but parents are unaware of these common obstacles. Students are taught this essential skill to be able to overcome this hurdle. In other words, they will learn to know when to hold back and when to help their child.To gain your child's complete cooperation, make sure you are familiar with the teen's responsibilities. Teenagers need to have guidance and direction to help them through all these tasks. Make sure you are well versed with all these aspects so that you can guide your teen to be a good citizen. They also want to know how you will help them with academics.The center will also help you determine which subjects your child needs extra help in. Although the curriculum may be very basic, it may not cover some of the courses that will develop their abilities. Since they are young, they need to learn a lot. For this, they should receive extra encouragement and support from the STAR tutoring center.Since they are always learning new things, they will need the guidan ce of a STAR tutoring center. You need to make sure that you have both sides of the story, to make your child's future bright.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Rockies International Exchange Inc

Rockies International Exchange Inc Rockies International Exchange Inc Rockies English Schools (RES) is a Canadian owned and managed company operating in China.RES provides English classes in their own school system as well as providing English services to partnered schools. There is a large network of classes and opportunities for teachers in over 50 different schools across China. We currently have multiple teaching positions across China available. For more information, please contact: Website: Facebook: Rockies English Schools Rockies International Exchange Inc Rockies International Exchange Inc Rockies international exchangeis an institute of culture communication between China and Canada. It is the first model bases for cultural industries, and the organizer to promote the whole project. It is managed by North America Rockies Education Co.Ltd and Rockies Management and Consultation Company. Rockies Educationis a Canadian owned and managed group of English language schools. We also run a business management and consultancy company to offer services to partnership schools, Rockies franchise schools, and joint venture schools. Among these include, privately owned training schools, public and privately owned kindergartens, public schools, and international schools. View our Brochure

How to Handle Stress the First Months of High School

How to Handle Stress the First Months of High School 5 ways to handle stress during the first months of high school When students transition from summer break to high school they can feel a lot of stress. Whether they are transitioning to their very first year as a high school student or simply coming back as a rising sophomore or junior, it’s one of the biggest transitions in a teens life. Also, these days many high schoolers end up spending a fair portion of their summer preparing for standardized exams or gathering college prep materials. Although this can help them greatly towards their future, it also means they havent had much of a chance to just rest, relax, and recharge. Its important for teens to keep their stress low when possible and there are a few tips and tricks they can follow to cope with those first months of high school start the year off right with the help of private Orange County tutoring. 1. A Creative Outlet One thing that most teens’ schedules are missing is a creative outlet, usually art or music. Because this is not a large part of school curricula these days many teens who need creativity are missing out. However, they can still get a creative outlet by taking up photography, visiting art museums, taking music lessons after school, or just keeping a sketchbook. Students who have the option to take art or music as an elective may want to consider it as a break from their academic schedule (READ: 5 Resources to Organize as a High School Freshman). 2. A Social Balance Maintaining a healthy balance of social and academic life is also important to keep stress low. On one hand spending too much time with friends takes away from valuable study time and makes students more stressed out but, on the other hand its important they have at least some time to just hang out and enjoy their friendships. Students who feel overwhelmed with their schedule can invite some of their good friends to a study group or plan a regular movie night once a week to take a break from their work. 3. Exercise an Time outdoors Getting enough exercise is essential for a teen’s mental well-being. Teens have a lot of energy, and it’s detrimental to sit all day and all afternoon without a break. Some high schoolers will enjoy playing on an organized sports team, but they dont have to make such a large commitment to be healthy. They could join a local gym or play basketball in the driveway after school. They could swim laps at the local pool or take a yoga class. As long as students are getting some exercise and spending time outdoors when the weather is nice, they are maintaining an overall well balanced healthy lifestyle. 4. Academic Support Students should have the academic support they need as they are tackling difficult high school level subjects. This might mean talking to their teacher during their free period to clarify assignments, joining a study group that meets on Saturday afternoons, or hiring a private tutor to come and help them in the comfort of their home. The most common academic issues are a lack of organization and difficulty studying for exams. Organization and test prep skills are learned and perfected over time, so its important to have a great private tutor and motivated students as part of a study group. 5. Reasonable Expectations Maintaining reasonable expectations is another way teens can keep their stress low during high school. If they have always earned Cs and Bs in science they will probably maintain this type of grade in high school. If they want to improve, they will need some academic support. They should feel confident about the number of advanced placement courses they are taking and track reasonable increases in test scores on the SAT or ACT exam. Many students try to tackle sports, the SAT, AP courses, and a fun social life all at once. Its good for students to set reasonable priorities and make sure they have enough help from a parent or tutor to organize their schedule so they can fit all of their activities into their weekly calendar. Many students fall behind the first months of high school. Stay on top of your work with the help of Orange County private tutoring from TutorNerds. Our tutors work with your busy schedules. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Introducing the FluentU iPad App

Introducing the FluentU iPad App The wait is over!After months of development, weve finally released our iPad app.It brings the best of FluentU learning languages with real-world videos like music videos, movie trailers, news, and more to the iPad.And the initial reviews are in:After spending 15 minutes using this modified version for the iPad, I am so impressed that I think I may resubscribe to my FluentU account again. It is so sleek, smooth and operational that the potential of this app is revealed to be one of great magnitude. Congratulations on the new and improved FluentU! You should be very proud of your product. The iPad app on an iPad is awesome thus far. It is easier then the iPhone app on an iPad. The iPad version of this app has helped me be more motivated to work on learning Japanese, just to learn a second language. I like this app, I have been able to learn more of a language this way. I had to take a second language in high school, but it was hard for me to learn and remember the way it was thought . With this app being always with me on my iPad Im able to reference the words as I go through both audio and visually. Thank you Fluent U for the iPad app.Your team has done a fantastic job, well done! Very easy to use and find topics, video etc. Im looking forward to using the iPad app.Love how easy it is to use. The learning feature is very effective.So what are you waiting for? See for yourself!Download the iPad app!

International Love How to Say I Love You in 15 Different Languages

International Love How to Say I Love You in 15 Different Languages How to Say “I Love You” in 15 Different Languages Oh my gosh, thats my favorite song tooâ€"I, like, totally love you!I freaking love chocolate cake, and I freaking love  you for giving me some!It seems that we English speakers are guiltiest of using I love you way too lightly.  Elsewhere in the world, the L-word is a heavy, serious and meaningful thingâ€"definitely not to be delivered at the drop of a hat.If youre wondering  how lovers from around the world and its diverse cultures express love and affection, then youre in the right place.Are you also one of the following?Youre an enthusiastic linguist looking to add more diverse phrases to your multilingual arsenal.Youre a hopeless romantic, and love learning more about loveâ€"and its various expressions.You’ve got it bad for one special  person whose native language isnt English, and you want to tell them  exactly how you feel in their native tongue.You want to  impress every potential love interest  you meet with your worldly sophistication by saying “I love you” with sound s theyve never heard before.If youve said yes to any of the above, this post is 100%  for you! If youve said no to everything, then it sounds like you need a little more international love in your life, so, read on, you wonderful curmudgeon, you. How to Say “I Love You” in 15 Different Languages1.  Je t’aimeLanguage: FrenchWhat better way to start this amorous list than with Frenchâ€"and by extension Paris, the City of Love. People the world over travel to Paris to fall in lovewith the food, the place and, of course, the people. If your paramour is of the French persuasion, just say, Je t’aime.You don’t even need flowers or chocolates for this one. Say it with wistful eyes, an enchanting smile and a face that says, “I really do  love you,” and you’ll be golden.You could cap the line with the French for “my darling” at the end, as a flourish. Say, “ma chérie,”  if you’re saying it to a woman or “mon chéri” if you’re confessing you love to a man.2.  Te amoLanguage:  SpanishSpanish-speakers are arguably some  of the most passionate people on God’s green Earth. You can taste that passion in their food, hear it in their music  and you can definitely see that in their dances. Just check out some salsa, bachata or tango routines to see what I mean. It’s that fierce longing-and-desire-that-can-barely-be-contained kind of passion.The sweet and simple words te amo  perfectly encapsulates that spirit, of lovers lost in each other’s arms. Its an informal pronoun used, expressing real intimacy. And Spanish-speakers dont toss  amo  around lightlyâ€"there are other ways of saying like, like a lot and like-like in their language.  Amo  is reserved for the real deal.If you’d like to put “forever” in there because you’re absolutely sure theyre  the one you have to spend the rest of your life with, you can say, “te amo para siempre.”3.  Ich liebe DichLanguage: GermanContrary to common misconception  of the “cold, calculatin g German,” the Deutsche do know how to fall in love. Big time!The whole world is falling in love with them too. Just ask Heidi Klum, Claudia Schiffer and Diane Kruger. So, if ever in this lifetime you find yourself falling for a handsome or beautiful (or beautifully handsome) German, be prepared to say, Ich liebe Dich.Have this one in the bag. You never know what wonderful kind of  person  you’ll run into in the streets Berlin. (It really helps that many of them have limpid blue eyes and gorgeous wavy blond hair. And I’m just talking about David Hasselhoff!)4.  ??? (Wo ai ni)Language: Mandarin ChineseThe Chinese have a saying, “Lovers’ hearts are linked together and always beat as one.”Romantic, right? It is, but its not referring to your happily-ever-after kind of romance. The line is from a melancholic poem where the writer expresses profound regret for not having the chance to marry the love of his life. Its like two lovers destined to be together but ripped apart by unspeakable circumstances.You don’t want to be in the same situation do you?Then  what are you waiting for?! Fess up and say, Wo ai ni.Just a little warning though, “I love you” might come a little too strong in the Chinese culture. Parents and children rarely say this to each other. So, for your confession of admiration, letting out an “I like you” equivalent is perfectly fine and would sometimes be more appropriate. To do this, you just say, “wo xi huan ni.”This is a good example of how context is super important in language learningâ€"you need to learn more than just words and phrases. Luckily, FluentU makes learning words and phrases in context really easy. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, commercials, news and moreâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons.5.  ???? (Aishiteru)Language: JapaneseDid you know that, in Japan, women are expected to  give gifts on Valentine’s Day?That’s right! But don’t worry ladies, the men have th eir own day one month later, March 14, on whats called White Day. Then they give gifts of various kinds to their partners. (Chocolates are a big hit on both occasions.)But that doesn’t mean, in any way, that the Japanese culture is not conservative in terms of doling out the L-word. In fact, “love” is a very strong word and expressions of “love” are not very common in the Japanese cultureâ€"apart from in those television dramas were all so fond of.So, only use Aishiteru  when you’re really committed to the person you’re telling it too. The Japanese don’t take that one lightly.But if you really want to  tell your partner how much you like them, you can say, ??? (daisuki),  which means I like you a lot.6.  ??? (Saranghae)Language:  KoreanYou’ve probably heard of this one if your usual fare are Korean dramas and movies. Like the proverbial but sweet piggyback ride given by the male lead to the comically drunk heroine, “saranghae” is practically a required line for Korean scripts, usually uttered by the handsome male actor drenched in a heavy downpour, while the woman of his dreams cries behind a closed door.When you say, saranghae,  the answer you would be looking for would probably be, “judo sarang haeyo.” (I love you, too!)If the other person responds with something in the vicinity of, “chin-goo ro namgo shipuyo,” (I want to stay friends), then maybe theyre just not that into youbut you may also have just gotten a friend for life, if things arent too awkward after this exchange.However, if they say, “je boomonimkge insa deuriruh gayo” (I’d like you to meet my parents), thencongratulations and best wishes!7.  ???? ??????? (Ana bahebak)Language: ArabicThere are around 200 million Arabic speakers, with a rich culture and tradition that dates back millennia.Arab women may be more  conservative and dress a bit more modestly  than youre accustomed to (depending on your country and culture of origin), but make no mistake, theyre as brilliant and as headstrong as any other modern women.  Thats why you need to be prepared to declare your love properlyâ€"no less will do.No matter what Arabic-speaking person you fall in love with,  Ana bahebak  are the magic words you need.8.  ??? ????? ????? ???? ???  (Main tumse pyar kartha hoon)Language: HindiOver  sixty percent of Indians still prefer arranged  marriages. But don’t fret, many say that love must be part of the equation.And, hey, we’re really getting ahead of ourselves here talking about marriage and weddings here (which, by the way, last 3 days and involve the whole town and a whole lot of rituals and partying).The bottom line is that  main tumse pyar karta hoon  is the phrase you need to express love to a woman.  To express this most profound emotion to a man, say, “main tumse pyar karti hoon.”9.  S?a?ap? (Se agapo)Language: GreekAfter a long day philosophizing and mesmerizing the crowds, Socrates would have to walk home to his equally argumentative wi fe. Ever wondered how he would say “I love you” to her?Se agapo. Those are the words Xanthippe would hear.And greeting the great Socrates by the door, she would probably say, “mou leípeis,” which means “I miss you” in Greek but translates  much closer to “you are missing from me.”These words are all still used today in modern Greece.10.  Ti amoLanguage:  ItalianWe come now to the language of Casanova himselfâ€"Italianâ€"which is considered by many to be  the true  language  of love.If you survey women on Earth and ask them who the best lovers are, the Italians would definitely be right there on top of the list. The stereotypical  Italian stallion has this aggressiveness and confidence that many women find alluring. He has this single-minded purpose in life, and that is to sweep you off your feet.But, of course, like all stereotypes, this must not be taken terribly literally. Italians, regardless of gender, all speak one of the most  passionate languages around. They will charm their way into your heart.So when you hear, ti amo,  youd better watch outâ€"that Italian is out to make you fall in love.11.  ? ???? ????? (Ya tebya liubliu)Language: RussianFrom Russian with love. I’m sure James Bond (you know, 007) would agree that Russians know their way around the arts of love and seduction.Take a page from them and learn Russian for “I love you”: Ya tebya liubliu. (Say the last word three times fast,  and it’ll start to sound like “love, love, love.”)12.  ??? ???? ????  (Ani ohev otakh)Language: HebrewTraditional views on love connected with Hebrew would point to love not being simply an emotion. Rather, love is an action, a solemn lifetime commitment, not just that warm, giddy feeling of butterflies in the stomach when a crush walks by.And they do have the vocabulary for it. Hebrew is another one of those languages where expressions of love would differ depending on who is confessing love.If youre saying “I love you to a woman,” yo ud say,  ani ohev otakh.On the other hand, if you’re saying “I love you” to a man, youd say, “ani ohevet otkha.”13.  NemehotatseLanguage: CheyenneThe Cheyenne are a Native American tribe that live in the Great Plains of Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota.The Native  Americans have a saying: “Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.”And when someone  does capture your heart, pursue them and sweep them off their feet by getting this word out:  Nemehotatse. It’s the Cheyenne way of saying “I love you.” Use it only when you really, truly love someone.14.  Mahal kitaLanguage: TagalogTagalog is the language  spoken in the Philippines.Mahal kita is used no matter your gender or the gender of your significant other. Although its mostly spoken in a romantic context, the phrase is sometimes used to express love to parents and friends.If you want to increase the implied intensity of that “love,” and mean that you really, really love the person, you can double up or even triple up on the word mahal  (love) and put the word na  between them. So expression now becomes, “Mahal na mahal na mahal kita.”Incidentally, mahal also means expensive in Filipino. Women often joke that their boyfriends can easily prove how much they mahal  (love) them depending on how mahal  (expensive) their gifts are.15.  ??????? (Nagligivaget)Language: InuktitutWe reserved  Nagligivaget, the Inuit  way of saying “I love you,” for last to prove that, even at the ends of the Earth, even in the coldest places, the warmth of love and the heat of passion rings true.Even when things are so cold that you cover your entire body several times over. Even when only  your noses are exposed to the great outdoors and available for use to greet each other (as is done in the typical Inuit kunik greeting)  love still finds a way.And that rounds up our list of different ways of saying “I love you.”If you want to comm unicate with (or really impress) your paramour, why not learn their whole darn  language?  As weve learned from some of the expressions aboveâ€"love is often more about action than verbal expression.So, hop to it! And One More ThingSo you want to learn real phrases in multiple languages? Then youre going to love learning with FluentU!FluentU gives you the opportunity to listen to a wide array of native speakers.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch some thing? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Videos with Interactive CaptionsUnder the Vocab and Dialogue tabs, youll find words and phrases from the video and a complete interactive transcript.Interactive Transcripts on FluentUYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs Quiz Mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoFluentU is also flexible. You choose what you watch, when you watch it and how much you watch. Meanwhile, FluentUs algorithm tracks your learning to present you with questions that build on what youve already learned. Because of this flexibility, FluentU is appropriate for any level of language learner.FluentU also ticks off the convenient box. You can use FluentU online, download the the iOS app or try the Android app.

Pursuing a Major in Chemistry

Pursuing a Major in ChemistryThose who are serious about their career should major in chemistry as the field is highly regarded and contributes a lot to the health of society. Moreover, the school curriculum in chemistry prepares students for professional careers in industries like pharmaceuticals, energy, chemical plants, food processing, food engineering, and more.With the advent of modern technology, college level chemistry courses can be taken online as well. It is advisable to take up this option since most of the institutes offer high quality education. The drawback is that the course material is usually given online. This can lead to frustration if one is not familiar with the subject matter.The curriculum for chemistry covers various aspects of the subject like thermodynamics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, complex molecular structure, spectroscopy, biochemical reactions, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable to have an idea about the details of chemistry before taki ng up the course.The first step for taking up the course is to find out which college offers the program. There are several universities and colleges that offer online degree programs. To find out whether they provide a higher degree in chemistry or not, the prospective student should look for the accreditation status of the university. Some colleges offer certificate programs in chemistry, while others offer the diploma or degree program.The courses are divided into major and minor, so the prospective student should choose the major he/she would like to pursue. A specific course schedule is set for the majoring in chemistry to be followed. For instance, the majoring in chemistry is followed for master's, bachelor's, and doctoral degrees in the subject.Although many people are busy working full time, they still have the time to devote for a career in chemistry. There are many opportunities for career advancement in this area, even in the rural areas where the demand for trained prof essionals is strong. These programs are very popular among young people, whose interest lies in science and also those with a desire to make a difference in the world by pursuing a career in the field of chemistry.With the emergence of medical sciences and researches on the general health of the population, people are now aware of the importance of taking up the course of chemistry and the associated health benefits. Therefore, it is worth spending some time to find out the best program for one's interest.

Understanding the Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope

Understanding the Biology of Stress and the Science of HopeA book I have recently read by Dr. Caine Jeffers, called Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope is an excellent overview of what we know about the biology of stress and its relationship to health and well-being. I recommend it to those seeking a quick, easy read that highlights the most important research on the biology of stress.There is a greater incidence of illness and disease associated with those who experience life events and who face more powerful negative emotions such as power negative or fear of the future. These negative emotions can be triggered by a number of factors, including daily stresses in work, relationships, finances, or other life situations. Negative emotions and feelings can create physiological changes in the body and change the way that the body interacts with the environment. For example, our body temperature can go up in response to a power negative feeling such as fear of the f uture, while anxiety can lower the body's ability to regulate our body temperature.Humans have been around for thousands of years, and are still around today in some parts of the world, and many of us can attest to the power of the ancient hunter gatherer societies to change and adapt to their environments. In fact, the human body has changed tremendously over the last several million years due to the pressures and stresses of our lives.Dr. Jeffers describes in his book a system that is an effort to understand the biology of stress and its impact on human health and well-being, a system that looks at three aspects of stress which include physiological response, social response, and the consequences of the physical and social response. This System includes key tenets such as the history of our evolution, the way that our behaviors change as a result of our experiences, and how our daily experiences and our bodies respond to the environmental changes that we encounter in our environme nts. The general framework of this system that Dr. Jeffers has developed is called the 'Power, Influence, Resistance, Adaptation, and Resilience Framework.'Dr. Jeffers has developed a new framework for understanding the biology of stress and its effects on the human body and behavior. He has included key concepts that he has come to believe are important to the process of understanding the biology of stress and the effects of stress on health and well-being. His main thesis is that the stresses that we experience in our everyday lives have a direct effect on the physiological response of our bodies. These changes in our bodies can either increase our ability to deal with the stresses or decrease our ability to do so.Dr. Jeffers is convinced that there is a connection between the changes in our biological response and the capacity to adapt and change our behaviors. He believes that our power to adapt and change how we react to and respond to our life's experiences is an inherent part of our biology, and that the change in biological response is the main factor in determining our ability to adapt and change.Understanding the biology of stress and its effect on human health and well-being is a significant step in developing interventions for coping with chronic stress. The Biological Systems Model for coping with chronic stress offers some insight into this process and may help us to make decisions about specific types of interventions for managing the effects of chronic stress. The Biological Systems Model can also help to inform our broader understanding of how people react to the environment, so that we can better identify the triggers for the different types of challenges and whether there are specific triggers for different types of stressors.

Visiting Sardinia

Visiting Sardinia Why You Should Visit Sardinia ChaptersSardinia: A Natural ParadiseDiscover Sardinia’s Culture and IdentityItalian Food, Another Reason to Visit the Italian IslandsDoing a Road Trip around Sardinia“This land resembles no other place. Sardinia is something else. Enchanting spaces and distances to travel-nothing finished, nothing definitive. It is like freedom itself.” - David Herbert LawrenceBefore you go to Sardinia, you won’t be able to pack your bags if you don’t know what you’re going to do there.So why should you visit Sardinia rather than another one of the Italian islands? One of the main reasons tourists head to Sardinia is because it’s filled to the brim with treasures including 7 of Italy’s 55 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.You can find Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea just to the south of Corsica and it's home to some of Italy's best beaches, mountainous areas, and plenty of unspoiled nature.In addition to all the things to see, there are plenty of things t o do. Whether you enjoy scuba diving, wine tasting, windsurfing, paddleboarding, or sunbathing, there's something for everyone in Sardinia.Each Italian island is different so in this article, we’re looking at why you should visit Sardinia including the countryside, local culture, wonderful cuisine, and why it’s ideal for a trip. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSardinia: A Natural ParadiseSardinia is home to beautiful beaches with clear turquoise waters, grottoes and coves, and other cosy spaces along the Sardinian coastline. Whether it’s to bask in the sun or go hiking, there are plenty of places in Sardinia to visit. If you love white sand beaches, clear water, and great weather, Sardinia's got you covered. Unsurprisingly, Sardinia is home to many wonderful beaches. (Source: suetot)Beyond the beaches, Sardinia is home to plenty of natural wonders:Giara di Gesturi, where there are unique horses and a reserve that’s been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.The Maddalena archipelago, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994.Chia Beach, famous for its clear waters and Nora, one of Sardinia's many archaeological sites.The Grotta del Bue Marino, a wonderful natural site.Neptune’s Grotto, which you can reach on foot or by ferry.Cagliari, with its historic maritime quarter.The Necropolis of Pranu Mutteddu, with its rare standing stones.To get to Neptune’s Grotto, you should know that you’ll have to climb 600 steps one way and then back.As you can see, there’s a good mix of natural and historic sites, all adding to the beauty of the countryside. While the beaches aren’t the only reason to visit this island, they won’t disappoint, either.So should you visit the north or the south of the island? This is the age-old question that both tourists and Italians are still debating. In fact, Sardinia is home to famous seaside resorts and trips for all types of tourists.The north of the island is home to sandy beaches, isolated coves, and breathtaking views that draw in an international jet set. It’s the perfect place for luxury holidays or romantic getaways.As for the south of the island, it’s home to a mix of beautiful landscapes. It’s very popular during the high season so you may want to avoid it then. For family holidays in the low season, it’s perfect.Discover Sardinia’s Culture and IdentitySardinia is home to 1.6 million people and they’re very proud of their island and their identity. Sardinian culture plays an important role in everyday life and there are many traditional festivals organised each year. The five most popular include:Sartiglia, in the town of Oristano, is an event with a medieval vibe, acrobatics, and h orse riding. Sant’Efisio, in Cagliari, celebrates the patron saint of the Island.Sagra del Redentore, in Nuoro, is organised in honour of Chris the Redeemer at the end of August each year.Carnaval de Tempio Pausania, which takes place each year on Shrove Tuesday.The Carnaval de Mamoiada takes place in January and is famous for the costumes with black masks. There are many festivals and cultural events in Sardinia where you can learn more about the history and culture of the island. (Source: DomyD)Sardinian festivals are about fun and history!  These traditional festivals have a focus on Sardinian history and culture going back to the Middle Ages. Sardinia was very poor and was subjected to several invasions.Did you know that Sardinia has a special autonomous status? The language is also a major part of the Sardinian identity. While the inhabitants speak Italian, they also speak Sard (Sardinian), which was recognised as an official language in 1997. There are also dialects of the language including Campidanese, Gallurese, Logudorese, and Sassarese.There are plenty of reasons to visit Sardinia! And then there’s the food!Do you know Sicily? Italy's largest island?Find out more about the island of Sicily off the coast of southern Italy, home to Mount Etna, an active volcano!Italian Food, Another Reason to Visit the Italian IslandsBoth Ita lian and Sardinian food is famous for just how good it is. It’s hardly surprising, really. Italy is famous for the dolce vita, fresh produce, and its unforgettable meals.Taste is everything and a trip to Sardinia won’t disappoint! Like the rest of Italy, Sardinia is home to some great food. (Source: arifarca)Sardinia has its own gastronomical culture while also enjoying Italian influences. Fishing, farming, and herding have all left their marks on Sardinian dishes. Once you’ve done your trip around Sardinia, you’ll probably have built up an appetite. Here are some essential local dishes:Prawns in Vernaccia Wine.Chiusòni, a type of gnocchi made from durum wheat semolina.Panada, a bread soup starter with lamb.Cordula, goat or lamb intestines with peas and olives.Amaretti, for dessert, which are almond-based macaroons.There are also speciality Sardinian cheeses, including Casu Marzu, a cheese that’s infested with maggots. While it’s very popular locally, Guinness World Records classed it as a dangerous food. Enjoy at your own risk!Let’s not forget local specialities like Ozieri nougat with honey. You can also enjoy typical Italian dishes like olive focaccia, pizza, and limoncello, a lemon-based liqueur . Sardinian food is part of the local heritage.Surely this is a good enough reason in itself to visit Sardinia!Find out about Capri, another beautiful island.Doing a Road Trip around SardiniaDue to its size, Sardinia is a perfect destination to travel around for 10 to 15 days. Keep in mind that the Cagliari will be your first point of call since that’s where the airport is and there are direct flights from London and Manchester. With so much to see and do in Sardinia, it's recommended that you travel around the island. (Source: piviso)In general, you might want to focus on either the north or the south of the island to give you time to relax. You need to work out that suits your needs.Did you know that in 2017, Sardinia was visited by 14 million tourists, up from 10 million in 2014?This is a record increase.It’s recommended that you budget for a trip to Sardinia as it’s a very popular tourist destination and prices for everything tend to increase during the busy tourist season.Some of Sardinia's most popular destinations include Santa Teresa Gallura, Alghero, the Costa Smeralda and Porto Cervo, Sassari, and Olbia.You’ll need a moderate budget if you’re going there with a travel agency. However, you can always save money by renting a room with a local, travelling by bike, or getting tourist passes to make your money go further. When it comes to food, you can always get the dish of the day around lunch time or get a sandwich or focaccia.So when are you going to visit one of the most beautiful places in Italy? Of course, Sardinia isn't the only Mediterranean island worth visiting off the Italian peninsula. If you like a good sea view, suckling pig, or sand beaches, consider island hopping via ferries to see the other Italian islands.Before you go to Italy or its islands, you might want to learn some Italian. Fortunately for you, there are many talented tutors on Superprof who can help you. In terms of private Italian tutorials, there are three main types: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials involve just the student and their tutor and are tailored to the former. Your tutor can work with your strengths and weaknesses and put together a programme for you. These tutorials tend to be the most costly but they're also the most cost-effective.Online tutorials are similar but you're not in the same place as your tutor. Thanks to the internet , webcams, and video conferencing, you can learn a language online. Online tutors tend to charge less than face-to-face tutors because they have fewer outgoings and expenses and can schedule more tutorials each week.Finally, group tutorials include groups of students learning together. If you and a group of friends, such as your travel companions, want to learn some Italian before you go, you can get group tutorials. With each student sharing the cost of the tutor's time, this type of tutorials tends to work out cheaper per person per hour.

Area of A Kite

Area of A Kite A Kite is a geometric shape which has 4 sides. A kite is the geometric figure which has a pair of adjacent sides equal to each other. The diagonals in a kite are perpendicular to each other and each diagonal divides the other diagonal into equal halves. Hence the diagonals bisect each other. Area of a kite is the region inside the geometric shape which is bounded by its sides. Example 1: Calculate the area of the kite whose diagonal lengths are given to be 10m and 12m. In order to find the area of the kite, we can use the length of the diagonals. Area of a kite is given by, A = 1/2 * d1 * d2 where d1 and d2 are the lengths of the two diagonal in a kite. Given d1 = 10m and d2 = 12m Hence Area of the kite, A = 1/2 * 10m * 12m = 60m2 Area of the kite, A = 60m2 Example 2: Calculate the area of the kite whose diagonal lengths are given to be 6m and 15m. In order to find the area of the kite, we can use the length of the diagonals. Area of a kite is given by, A = 1/2 * d1 * d2 where d1 and d2 are the lengths of the two diagonal in a kite. Given d1 = 6m and d2 = 15m Hence Area of the kite, A = 1/2 * 6m * 15m = 45m2 Area of the kite, A = 45m2